Stipend and Scholarship:
Student(s) may apply for stipend or scholarship from the following for respective class and session.
Students kidie Stipend delo Scholarship apply nam legape rumking ke link so nyumlik toka class aru session em kadola.
Click on the hyperlink URL and register yourself (If first time applying) and to renew enter previous year's credential and follow the instruction.
Stipend legape hyperlink URL lo click la register sulik toka, (first time idumilo). Already registered Renew link lo ilik la kerang ditak lok Credential kidiem ilik toka.
Click here to apply for State govt stipend, but normally it has to be done only by the School authorithy.
Link binam so click toka state govt stipend apply nam legape, idola normally, School authority e ibodope kadung.
This link will be activated later.